73 | How to convert more clients and waste less time

Episode Notes:

Have you ever spent hours emailing back & forth and having phone calls with clients, only to have them ghost you, or never end up booking with you?

It can be so frustrating and waste of precious time for both parties involved, but there are some practical things you can do to avoid this!

In this episode I’m sharing my ways to increase your ‘client conversions’ and ensure no one is wasting their time.

Links mentioned / resources:

*indicates an affiliate link


With 10 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 11+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.


74 | 7 Things I've Learned From 7 Years in My Business


72 | Tips for creating a relaxing evening routine as a business owner