The Content to Clients Funnel Masterclass


Ready to build an audience of dream website design clients that can’t wait to work with you?

In this 25 minute video training, learn how to create your ‘Content to Clients Funnel’ so you can get visible and attract more clients with ease.

You’ll also be added to my regular email newsletter list too. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please read my privacy policy.

Stop relying on unpredictable word-of-mouth projects to stumble into your inbox ✋🏼

Let’s create an intentional content strategy

If you’ve been dabbling with content creation but not seeing results, let’s change that.

Posting a pretty mockup of your portfolio work on Instagram just isn’t cutting it.

Publishing a blog post twice a year isn’t generating new clients for you.

You need a content marketing ‘funnel’ with platforms that work together to attract an engaged audience, and convert them into clients. And I’m going to show you how in this free masterclass!

Content creation system
Dabbling with Content Creation


After this free training, you’ll unlock:

  • The 3 goals you want your content to achieve (the ‘funnel’!)

  • The 3 different types of buyers in your audience + how they behave

  • How to use different content platforms together to achieve your goals

  • What you actually need in your funnel & important considerations

Access the 25 minute video training and workbook now!

Masterclass workbook

Squarespace website designer + Educator

Hi, I’m Anna (aka Rosanna)

And over the past 9 years, I’ve worked with over 170+ clients and build my website design business using organic content marketing.

My content funnel builds my visibility online for me (without needing to post to Instagram if I don’t want to!) and allows new potential clients to connect with me and trust me before getting in touch to hire me.

Clients finding my content

I’ve also used content to build my travel & lifestyle brand too, using systems and strategies that allow me to do all this with ease and prioritising freedom!

Turn your content into clients with ease with my funnel concept ⚡️

You’ll also be added to my regular email newsletter list too. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please read my privacy policy.