It’s time to become an

In Demand Designer Logo

Join the program for website designers to fill their pipeline with more dream clients in 60 days. Only 8 spaces available.

Website designer working at desk

You’re already a great designer, but now you’re ready to become in demand, by:

  • Having regular enquiries dropping into your inbox of dream clients you’re excited for

  • Being able to CHOOSE which projects you take on (buh-bye ‘wasabi’ clients that aren’t the right fit!)

  • Clients leaving delicious testimonials & sending more projects your way

  • Growing a business that gives you the security & freedom you started this for

freshly served projects queued up like your fave sushi


freshly served projects queued up like your fave sushi 🍣

website designer relaxing

I’ll show you how to build a steady, sustainable stream of clients…

WITHOUT sending another cold pitch or DM

WITHOUT dragging yourself to awkward networking events

WITHOUT spending hours on Insta trying to go viral

WITHOUT the late nights & weekend hustle

website designer at desk

Here’s how we’ll do this in 3 steps:

What do you get inside the In Demand Designer® program?

Inside the In Demand Designer program
  • The Curriculum

    3 modules of pre-recorded video trainings and tutorials, broken down into easily consumable bites (no 60 minute workshops here!).

  • Projects & Action Tasks

    You’ll find tasks and projects to work on that give you tangible results, with AI prompts and 3 (cute AF) custom GPTs to help you speed up your process (so you can spend more time working with those dreamy clients!)

  • On Demand Reviews & Feedback

    At the end of each module you’ll be able to submit what you’ve been working on to me to review, so I can give you precise & personalised feedback on EXACTLY what’s going to move your business forward.

  • Daily Slack Channel

    Drop your questions into our dedicated Slack channel to get answers and support (or pep talk voice notes!) directly from me .

  • Weekly Q&A Content Drops

    Each week I’ll be recording tailored trainings & dropping them into the Slack channel to address common questions and guide through the curriculum (no need to sit through another hour long Zoom call at an awkward time wishing you could 2x playback speed!)

  • 60 Day Fast Track

    I want you to see results as soon as possible, and have created a 60 day fast track calendar that gives you the suggested timeline for completing the curriculum and projects to get your pipeline filled quicker!

consistency, calm & confidence in your business


consistency, calm & confidence in your business 🍣

Phone with portfolio website

Let’s grow your pipeline of dream clients

In Demand Designer® is for you if:

✓ You have a great portfolio but new, dreamy clients just aren’t finding you

✓ You’re 1+ years in but still struggling to get consistent work

✓ The enquiries you are getting aren’t the right fit & you’re fed up of being ghosted

✓ You’ve dabbled in content marketing but you’re not seeing results

It probably isn’t the right fit if:

❌ You’re a beginner designer and not working with clients yet

❌ The idea of being the face of your brand gives you the ick

❌ You don’t want to make content marketing a priority in your business

byRosanna - Squarespace website designer

Why learn from me?

Hi, I’m Anna (aka Rosanna), and I’ve been a Squarespace website designer for 9+ years, working with over 160 clients.

I prioritise freedom & fun

I’ve built my business without sending cold pitches, going to awks networking events and without sacrificing my freedom and weekends. Because what’s the point of being self employed if you’re doing stuff you hate and working 24/7?

I walk the walk (I’m a practising designer!)

Everything I teach I’ve learned over nearly a decade; I’ve been to burnout and back (oh hey 2018) , figured out what works and what doesn’t, and am still actively working with dream clients. The strategies I teach in In Demand Designer are what I use TODAY to consistently fill my client pipeline.

I’ve built 2 personal brands (content is my thing)

As well as working with clients and establishing my byRosanna business, since 2015 I’ve been building a content creator brand as Cornwall’s most popular lifestyle & travel blog, collaborating with more dream clients like Jet2, VisitBritain, Barbour and more.

I KNOW content, and I know how to attract dream clients with content and a unique, magnetic personal brand.

Meet my Frameworks & Custom GPTs you’ll discover inside In Demand Designer®

These are the concepts I’ve developed over 9 years as a designer, and the 3 cute AI chatbots I think you’ll fall in love with to help speed up your tasks!

  • Smiley face

    The 4Ps of an In Demand Personal Brand

    As a designer, I know you know about branding, but we’ll be adding some sriracha spice and personality to establish you as the GO-TO in your area of expertise.

  • Funnel

    The ‘Content to Clients’ Funnel

    Don’t waste another hour creating content that doesn’t impact your business. Create content ‘assets’ that keep bringing in leads long after you’ve posted, and learn to repurpose and generate content that attracts, nurtures and CONVERTS your clients.

  • The ‘Repeat & Refer’ Client Experience Workflow

    Use my workflows for optimising your onboarding and offboarding processes to delight your clients, keep them coming back for more, and have them do the selling for you.

  • Panda icon

    The Ideal Client Insights Bot GPT

    This AI bot has been trained to help you fill out your Personal Brand Blueprint doc and uncover the deep desires & painpoints your clients are experiencing.

  • Possum icon

    The POSSUM Bot GPT

    This cutie AI bot has been trained on my POSSUM framework for non-icky, simple sales content, to help you talk about your services online with confidence and from a place of service.

  • Shiba inu icon

    The Blog Repurposing GPT

    Have this AI bot turn one blog post into multiple pieces of social and email content in minutes, in a way that’s actually optimised for engagement on those platforms!

Personal brand document for website designers

Star student? You’ll get this completion bonus…

The Commercial Client Licence

When you complete the program having added more dream clients to your pipeline within 60 days, you’ll be given a commercial licence to use the following elements from the program with your OWN clients:

  • The Personal Brand Blueprint Document 📃
    Whether you already offer branding in your design services or not, offering this as a strategy part of your client deliverables can add HUGE value and means you can charge more for a brand strategy add-on in your projects. 

  • The Ideal Client Insight Bot GPT 🔎
    Use this custom GPT to help you complete your clients’ Brand Blueprint documents with ease, so you can reclaim time in your client delivery.

  • The POSSUM Bot GPT 💬
    Wow your clients with sales content ideas to add to their websites or in their content ideas as a surprise extra! In Demand Designers overdeliver for their clients; leading to more rave testimonials and referrals.

fill your project pipeline for winter


fill your project pipeline for winter 🍣

In demand Designer logo

In Demand Designer® is in ‘Beta’ - what does this mean?

This is a brand new program, so it’s launching with limited spaces and a large discount, meaning:

  • Only 8 spaces available

  • Hugely reduced price (the next round will be over £1,200 to join)

  • Beta students get access to curriculum updates in future rounds for the lifetime of the program

In exchange for being a part of the intimate Beta group and receiving this discount on the investment, you'll provide regular feedback and check-ins throughout and afterwards, to help me make this program the best it can be!

Are you an action taker and excited to build this with me?

Join today as a beta student!

Your questions, answered…

  • The program opens on 16th September, with the first 'official' week starting 23rd Sep.

    The personalised feedback, Slack community and weekly content drops will then be open until mid-November, but you'll continue to have access to the curriculum after this.

  • Access to the Slack community, personalised feedback opportunities and weekly content drops will end in mid-November, but you'll be able to access all the trainings and curriculum after this (Beta students get access and updates for the lifetime of the program!).

  • No because I truly don't believe sitting on an hour Q&A call each week (at a time that might not even work for you!) is the best use of your time!

    Instead, you'll be able to ask questions and get responses from my in the Slack community, and each week I'll be uploading a recorded training in the group based on common questions and things people need help with (so you can catch up in your own time).

    This also means it doesn't matter what timezone you're in - you don't have to worry about getting up at 5am for a call or missing out. Everyone gets the same level of support, no matter where you live.

  • Yes, I'll be in the Slack group answering questions and chatting throughout each week, PLUS there are 3 opportunities throughout the program for you to submit what you've been working on to me for personalised 1:1 feedback and notes!

  • This program is created for designers who already have at least a couple of portfolio projects under their belt, but who want to see more consistent client enquiries and bookings.

    If you're unsure, please do send me a message so we can see whether this is right for you!

  • This program will teach you how use magnetic messaging and a strategic content funnel to effectively fill your pipeline with more dream clients (in a streamlined way that doesn't take over your life!). So if:
    - You're not seeing your content CONVERT clients
    - You're not getting DREAM client enquiries
    - Your content creation feels like a chore that takes forever and sees little results

    Then this is the right program for you!

  • My content funnel system means you can use whatever platforms are best for you and your dream clients, HOWEVER, I do teach that blogging is a non-negotiable.

    Blogging is an important content asset that is great for SEO and being a starting point for other content.

    I also strongly recommend email marketing too and cover this in the program!

    I'll then show you how to use any other content platforms you like around this.

    Eg. If you already have a podcast, I'll show you how to mix this in with the above.

    Eg. If you want to use TikTok, I'll show you how to create strategic content for this that aligns with the above.

    Eg. If you love Instagram, we'll include this in your funnel and help you create strategic content for this.

  • Due to the digital nature of the curriculum included and its instant access, I don't offer refunds on my courses/programs, however if you are unsatisfied please get in touch so we can rectify the issue!

    Read more of my course terms here.

byRosanna - website designer and educator
Amy at Begin Studio

My Methods are Proven

Here’s how we transformed Amy’s design business…


I was stuck in a loop of selling my services cheaply without any confidence in the value I offered and how to price myself.

I often overworked myself with tiny jobs which lead to large amounts of project management time that I wasn't charging for. I generally felt that my business was not sustainable and I needed to make big changes to my brand and elevate my value.

I also wasn't in love with my branding and I knew it needed to change to reflect the prices that I wanted to charge and the target audience that I wanted to reach.”


“Working with Anna has changed my business in so many ways, I have a deeper understanding of how to connect with my target audience. We worked together on repositioning my business and website so that showed how much value I offer as a designer.

I strongly feel that working together and elevating my business in this way will allow me to connect with the audience that I've always wanted to and help me work towards my goal of being a branding designer with projects booked up in advance and income that I can depend on.”

Join the Beta waitlist for first access to the limited spots!

Investment: £1200+ £800 (or 2 x £400)

only 8 spaces available!

Join the In Demand Designer™ program as a Beta student!

only 8 spaces available!

Payment Plan

2 x payments of


Pay in Full

1 payment of


Read the program terms and conditions here.

Still got Qs? DM me!

If you have any extra questions about the program or you’re unsure whether this program is the right fit, pop me a DM over on Instagram!

I’m committed to getting my students results, which can only happen if you’re ready and fit the ‘is this for you’ profile. So it’s in my interest to be transparent about whether this is suitable for you too, and I’ll never give you the hard sell. 

Message byRosanna on Instagram