Growing a business? 16 Blogs you should follow...


Because we all want daily inspiration, motivation & advice!

I follow roughly 100 incredible business/marketing/blogging related blogs, so it's been hard for me to narrow it down so much! Below are a bunch of incredible ladies (aka #GirlBosses) who share their business experiences, knowledge and wisdom on at least a weekly basis (if not more!). 

1.  By Regina

By Regina is an epic resource for all things business to say the least. Regina's writing style is entertaining and fun to read, and I always look forward to her next post. 

2. Amy porterfield

With expertise in social media strategy and marketing, Amy is right up my street. I particularly love her copywriting advice!

3. cat crawford

Cat is also knowledgeable in all things content marketing, so her advice is golden! She writes in a friendly, easy to understand way, and her minimal blog layout makes it oh so easy to read.

4. Elembee

Can I just say now that I love Lisa's website? It's so fun and 'out there'! She is frank, thoughtful, and always says it how it is - which, let's face it, we all need in business sometimes!

5. elle & company collaborative

A new venture from Elle at Elle & Company; the Collaborative blog is a guest blogging platform, where other biz, blogging & marketing experts (including lots of the ladies in this list!) publish unique posts as a collective.

6. femtrepreneur

Mariah Coz is pretty infamous in the blogging world. You can't read one of her blog posts without learning something - it's honestly one of my go-to resources!

7. Heather crabtree

Business coach Heather's blog is bright and bubbly. Loving her new website at the moment too!

8. Hey shenee! 

Of all the websites I just said I love, Hey Shenee's is actually my ultimate favourite! Her site is so interactive and each blog post is filled with fun.

9. Jennypurr

Creative business coach Jen writes some incredibly thoughtful articles on her blog about the growth of her own business.

10. kamila gornia

Kamila is a social media consultant with a flair. Her advice is professional and helpful, and she always seems to answer the exact questions I was thinking about...

11. Maya elious 

Professional coach and speaker, Maya, shares excellent brand building advice on her blog, along with useful worksheets and infographics!

12. olyvia

Erica's blog has so many great content upgrades and worksheets to download and work on, and she explains everything thoroughly and clearly.

13. the nectar collective

I'm a huge fan of Melyssa at TNC - she's great, and has grown her business substantially in the past couple of years. If you want advice, who better to get it from than her!

14. think creative collective

Emylee and Abigail are a dynamic duo who offer all things marketing on their website! They blog almost every day, and each time is informative and actionable!

15. xo sarah

With a tagline of 'Blogging. Business. Badass Life.', you know it's gonna be good! Sarah is another who has grown her business by herself and totally has the credential to teach you how!

16. jamie delaine

Wedding photographer and business coach Jamie is multi-talented, and has a super-savvy business hat on at all times. 

+ of course, some shameless self promotion...



With 10 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 11+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.

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